
Sunday, November 14, 2010

ModBook anyone? How bout a Troll?

aight soooo, this is for those who want touch and pressure sensitive abilities while using something stronger than an iPad, with the program used for Graphic design, illustration, and editing like Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketchbook Pro, and Final Cut, on a Mac system. Something they can carry around to work on and not have cables all over like with some of the other Great, but fairly stationary options such as the Wacom line of products. Introducing, to some, the ModBooks. These are modified Mac Books or Mac Book Pros that are designed to be working Computers that you can draw on, in simple terms. It does use Wacom technology from my understanding, But from there are some differences. I have used various Wacom products and have not used the ModBooks, but there are a lot of videos on you tube about them showing them in action etc. The website for them is here: ModBook
and another item you may want to look into is the Troll
they specialize in turning Macs of all sorts into touch screens. They also handle PCs so search there site at the link above for pricing and options.

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