
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Marvel vs Capcom 3 special edition

Aight you nerds!! So, i fancy myself a gamer. I play everything but came up on fighting games and adventure games. I also fancy myself a comic head. So, when the Marvel vs Capcom series came out, it was an electronic wet dream, which came be dangerous, to me. I owned the second installation to this series on the Sega Dreamcast, a system so ahead of it's time (much like the Sega CD and Saga Channel were) that it failed. I still own my Dreamcast today, and it works. I digress however, the point i mean to make here is that when the announcement came that they were doing a 3rd game and then the visuals, i lost my mind. But i didn't rush out to pre-order. Nor did i think much of the possible special editions that most popular games get. I didn't even research it or think to speak to those in the know about it. WHY!!? i thought. It's rare that the special editions move me anyway. So i let it be. Kept tabs on the release date, and complained about the lack of "TRUE CAPCOM STYLED ART" for all the promo stuff i had seen.... Enter Alvin Lee. A well known master of illustration. If you don't know him, i am sure at some point if you are a gamer, especially in the Street Fighter realm, you have seen his work. If not the check here for recent works. He post a blog about a piece he had done for the game. I loved it and thought, "they should have had him do all the promo work and cover design". Next there is a post from him on how he just found out there was to be a Special Edition Tin case and cover with his art!!!! OH BOY!!! i thought. I rushed to the nearest store, to reserve my copy.... and what do you know.... they aren't selling them anymore. Just the boring old other covers..... sucks. But i reserved it anyway. Point being, stay up on your greatness. That's why you check this blog, lol.

Sony Google TV


It's honestly a cool concept. I found myself, however asking myself, did i want this casue it was just that necessary in my life.... or did i just want it cause it was cool and would make people think i was on some next level stuff when they came to the office..... well i decided it was the latter. Most have seen the google  tv adds, but many have slept on the Sony version. They offer a different remote and a box to add to your current HD TV  with a built in blu ray player and wifi enabled for $399, or you can buy one of the new Sony Google HD TVs that have built in WiFi ranging from $599-$1399, with sizes ranging from 24 to 46 inches in size. These systems also use the Android market as well. Pretty cool huh, plus it connects with your cable, dish, or direct to search shows, movies etc. But you can watch streamed movies, youtube, vemo, and whatever you normally watch or do on the web in HD. no loss in quality. Put it like this, if your savy enough to watch everything and anything on line, or if you just want to view the web while watching tv in a separate window,  this is for you. Plus it uses your net in home or office, so there are no fees to pay after you get the system. go to Sonny Google TV to get more info and there are vids up with visuals on the quality and different reviews,  so check it out and make your call.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some dope tunes and a reason....

aight, first up.... here is some dope instrumental music to vibe out to. Support if you can, if not, just follow the link (the link) and sample the greatness that it is. My homie wOlly sent this over to me. He has some dopeness going on in the art world as well. Still updating his site, but check him out.
Now.... i been away a sec, Relle hit you with some music, and now i'm back and hopefully she will be also. I been working hard on a few things including, but not limited to, some new insight on a few things as well as some goodies i will be posting up soon. Also my good friend wOlly over @ Rebel Stars Studios is gonna be redoing this blog a bit for me to make it more official. In the meantime, i missed out on updating you on a few things. I will correct that soon. Look for another post today actually and much much more to come!!!