"nerds" were once considered geeks, losers, the smart ones, the uncool. I guess that was when people had more "identity" on an individual level. Or maybe it was simply when it wasn't cool to be smart. Now the image of the "nerd" has become the "cool". Tight pants and shirts are the norm, being able to use a computer or be up on the latest technology is a must, and i even see people being happy to rock a pair of extra large, extra nerdy glasses.... with and without the lenses. Playing video games has never been cooler, and i swear comic book conventions are becoming over run with extremely sexy women more and more. This includes, fans, artist, writers, organizers and all others. It seems, even if its just a fade... being a nerd is now in. Everyone is being grouped as a nerd though, rappers, rockers, skaters, reporters. EVERYONE. I guess i have always walked a fine line, but never really fit the mold of anything.... and don't really desire to. So for those of us who are just being us, we will continue to do that.... all the rest...... i guess this time next year will be following something else. Either way, the point of this blog is to do what many blogs do, post thoughts, items of interest, and just be an outlet for all things cool.... or not so cool. To inform, educate, and express. The title, Hard Core Street N.E.R.D.s. is a play off of the idea that you can be hard core as well as street and still be a nerd. N.E.R.D.s., like the band, means something in itself also though. No-one Every Really Does sELF.... self being small because many forget who they are trying to fit in or find some version of them that simply isn't them.... so they loose "SELF". So, blabbing is done.... the post that will follow in times to come will cover comics, movies, life, images of all sorts and maybe even some things you know nothing about.... who knows. Til the next.......
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